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HD 94716



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관련 글

On the distance to the Chamaeleon I and II associations
Constraints on the distances to the dark clouds Chamaeleon I and II areinvestigated in detail. A compilation of photometric data, spectraltypes and absolute magnitudes for field stars towards each cloud ispresented, and results are used to examine the distribution of reddeningwith distance along each line of sight. The distances to starsassociated with reflection nebulae in each cloud are examined in detail.On the basis of these results, we deduce the most probable distance ofCha I to be 160+/-15pc, and that of Cha II to be 178+/-18pc. Anexamination of the mean fluxes of T Tauri stars in each cloud providesindependent evidence to suggest that Cha II is significantly moredistant than Cha I. Both clouds appear to be embedded in a macroscopicsheet-like structure extending over much of the Chamaeleon-Musca-Cruxregion. The Chamaeleon III and DC\ts 300.2--16.9 clouds are probablypart of the same structure, with probable distances ~ 140--160pc.

A Study of the Chamaeleon-I Dark Cloud and T-Association - Part Six - Interstellar Polarization Grain Alignment and Magnetic Field
Abstract image available at:

CCD measurements of visual binaries
CCD measurements of visual double stars were obtained with the ESO 1.5 mdanish reflector. All binaries observed are candidates for the HIPPARCOSInput Catalogue. More than 400 observations have been made in four clearnights. The accuracy obtained is comparable to the accuracy of thephotographic technique, but the observing and reduction times are oneorder of magnitude smaller.

A study of the Chamaeleon dark cloud and T-association. I - Extinction, distance and membership
The results of an observing program to investigate the nature and degreeof reddening of a number of stars in the field towards the dark cloudand T-association in Chamaeleon are presented. The observations compriseoptical (UBVRI) and infrared (JHK) photometry, and optical spectroscopy.New and previously published data are combined to assess membershipcriteria for 110 stars, and separate catalogues of association membersand field stars are presented. Optical identifications are listed for 27IRAS point sources in the region. The reddening/distance relation forfield stars indicates a distance to the cloud of 140 + or - 12 pc. Thisresult confirms that the extinction law is anomalous towards some starsin the cloud, notably the embedded A0 ZAMS star HD 97300, with values ofup to 5.5 for the ratio of total-to-selective extinction. A comparisonof 21-cm data with the reddening of background field stars indicatesthat the ratio N(H I)/E(B-V) is significantly less than the interstellarmean, indicating that most of the hydrogen in the cloud is molecular.

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다음 그룹에 속해있음:

관측 및 측정 데이터

적경상의 고유운동:-10.1
적위상의 고유운동:7.9
B-T magnitude:9.295
V-T magnitude:9.225

일반명   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 94716
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9410-1058-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0075-02531647
HIPHIP 53239

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